Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What Color is Your Car?

It's car shopping time around here and we are squabbling over color. The last two cars have been black and road grime gold. I'm not a fan of either. Black is pretty IF you wash it twice a day. The gold one never looks particularly clean and shiny just kind of dull and ick. I'm typically not consulted on the new car purchase in regards to color, but I have to live with it after the first two years. So I'm putting my foot down! (I know you're laughing Ms. Ananon, you can just hear the squabbles, can't you!?!)

So what is a good color? Must not show door dingies and mustn't require really frequent washings. I'm recommending white. Now I know that's not a sexy color, but it looks great right after the carwash and good if you don't bother with the carwash. Someone else is rooting for metallic gray. I could like that, but I wonder about the dingy issue.

Don't even get started on the make/model of the car which I realize is a little more important. I used all my chits on that the last go around, so I'm not even trying to influence the outcome -- other than to subtly diss Ford Exploders which are so five years ago (or 10) AND the gas tanks are on the wrong side (right). I could go on about that, but I'll save it for another day.

If you are right about now musing that there are far more pressing issues in our world, I'm with you. But hey, maybe world peace is possible if every one were happier with the color of their car.


At 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Master says red, FIRE ENGINE RED

At 2:05 PM , Blogger Lexy said...

Actually I've never had a red car and I really like certain shades BUT what about those scratches and dings? Seems like they'd show pretty badly. But then again I'd look hot in a red car.... ;-)

Ananon -- For the last time, it is not a hearse! It is a bean wagon and driving it will make me think of you... grrrrrr

He's leaning 4runner and white at the moment, but I'm making him sleep on it. Damn impulse buyer! ;-)

At 3:01 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds weird, but I'd say go with a lavender/perwinkle/light purple-ish color... if you can find such a color. I wasn't a fan of it when I bought my car (which is this crazy color)... but my car actually looks clean all the time, and I get compliments on the unique color of it constantly. And it changes color depending on the time of day, which I think is a pretty bad ass thing.

... I wouldn't do it if you're getting an SUV. Only a sports car.

Silver's a good color, too.



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