Friday, September 09, 2005

Whew is it ever dusty in here...

All this blog space and no postings. Well kids this is what happens when you are working your ass OFF. I promise to do better.

I have much news to share. I rode my horse for the first time last weekend. She's been at horsey camp learning the joys of working for a living. The inaugural ride was successful with no injuries to either party. I'm picking her up tomorrow and the real fun begins.

In the meantime, I'm buying another horse who is a bit older that I can go ahead and start training seriously and competing while horse #1 continues growing. This cutie - a soon-to-be former racehorse, he has one last race on Sunday -- will arrive on Wednesday.

So my quest is to figure out how to post photos so that you can see my "herd". Any tips to shortcut the learning process?

Wonderful weekend to everyone!

Friday, September 02, 2005

What a week...

Wow has this been a tough week in our country. As a frequent visitor to New Orleans with friends & colleagues living in the city, this week has been profoundly sad. My friends are safe and accounted for, but they won't know home for quite some time to come. If you've haven't had a chance to listen to the 12 minutes of radio interview with the Mayor of NOLA, do it. That's a scrappy dude and he's putting it out for his people and his city.

Katrina has driven home for me how tenuous the grasp on "normal" is for each of us. I'm feeling guilty that my normal remains, but also deeply grateful for it. You won't find me bitching about the price of gas in coming weeks or playing the blame game. Let's just focus on taking care of these people and helping them find a new "normal." Their old normal is gone forever.

On a happier note, today two of my "children" celebrate their 5th birthday. Five short years ago I saw their little squirmy bodies shortly after their birth and picked them out to become part of my family. Now they are big dogs and, just like me, approaching middle age. Although unlike me, they're svelte and muscled. They've had celebratory cookies and many hugs and pats. If I ever figure out how to post pics, I'll put them up. Cassius Clay and Zoe Schmoey Pumpkin Pie are mighty cute boxers. I'm glad they are part of my normal.