From Whence We Came
I spent the weekend at a family reunion and celebration of my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. It was so interesting to be in a room full of people that I've never met, but whom I'm related to in some way or another. I'm not a very good mingler so I mostly watched and observed. Some revelations:
1.) There is a distinct family look. We definitely all resembled one another with good strong noses being the most common feature. Fair skin, dark hair and light eyes were also pretty prevalent.
2.) I'm fighting my genetics when it comes to weight. On the good side, there were some darn fine cooks contributing to the potluck buffet.
3.) Bullshitting is the family hobby. It's nice to know when you come by things naturally.
It was weird to find myself rather removed from the whole thing. It's interesting to know your people I guess, but having grown up 800 miles away and with just my immediate family, the concept of extended family just doesn't synch for me. It was more than enough to make my parents happy by being there and to hear stories of how our family originally came to America. I don't think I'll be the glue that holds the family together in future generations which is sad on some fronts, but just reality.
My understanding of family is much more oriented to my friends. The people I'm choosing to share my life with, who really know me and get me. I came to this conclusion some time ago and it was just re-affirmed this weekend. I wish that bunch of folks who look like me good luck and good will, but I have my family thanks.